Here I was going on and on and on about my grand weekend plans of doing abso-fricking-lutely nothing. Na to the da, zip to the zilch, fat chance for that, it turns out.
You see, my bestie Cassandra decided spur of the moment to drive up from LA. It just so happened that the rest of our friends were taking finals or had exciting adventures planned or were out of town and so instead of curling up on the couch and pounding through a to-do list
(okay fine, there was a fair bit of curling up on the couch still)
we did all the things we do best as The Dynamic Duo: cafe-hopped at our favorite stomps, drove around aimlessly in the rain, caught up with friends, all that jazz.
But hold up, there was one thing we tried that was slightly out of the ordinary.
For dinner one night, we traversed down a few blocks to a neighborhood sushi place... sans phones. Now, I realize that Cassandra and I are in the "very addicted, phone-is-the-third-arm, do NOT take it away from me" user category for iPhones and so many of you might be reading this and going all... really? You left your phone behind for two hours and now you're making a big deal out of it? *rolls eyes, muttering millennials*
I'm just going to say... my idea of a good time is laying around in bed watching Vine videos on my phone for three hours straight. That phone is my lifeline. Cassandra's too.